Monday, June 29, 2009


Ok...I know there are some people coming to see what my "Anticipation Sale" in my Etsy shop is all about, so please at least say "hi" while you're might get some freebies if you comment and make a purchase! Needless to say another week (or so) has gone by and the sale is now up to 30% off any purchase in my shop! Yep...only 3 weeks until I see my husband in Hawaii!!! Come on...there's some good stuff in there!! I'm adding more stuff tonight too. I have to save some more for my trip and unfortunately I'm trying to pay off debt. It's bad and I've finally decided to be honest with myself and get rid of it for good! I've been reading all these frugal blogs and books and I'm ready!! It'll be rough, but it's gonna be so worth it! I'll keep you involved and let you know how I'm progressing. I already feel a sense of relief just telling all you blog readers/visitors out there! But, first and foremost is my trip...and no, we really can't afford the trip, but I've already bought the tickets and my husband and I haven't seen each other in 7 months!! Yes...I believe we deserve it...we certainly won't be going on another trip for quite a while. Oh...and no, I didn't have my kids pose just for this post, but it fit so perfectly...she was off to her first day of Vacation Bible School and little brother had to copy her, so they both stood there and waved at me. I know I'm no photographer, but pictures make blogs so much better, right? go take a look around my shop...please?? :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Another week has gone by....better sale for you!! on with my "anticipation sale" in my Etsy shop. You can now save 20% on every order. I will send a refund via paypal or you can wait for a revised invoice from paypal. This week went by faster than last. I can't believe in just over a month I will see husband. I am more nervous, excited, giddy by the day! Ok...that's enough of that. Let's see...what else?? This weekend includes a birthday party, preparing my step daughter's room for her summer visit, baking dessert for a neighborhood pizza party, and church. Father's day will be spent with an older couple at church that are almost like surrogate grandparents for my kids. I encourage everyone out there to find an older couple that can serve as mentors, grandparents, shoulders to lean on in times of crisis, etc. They are so important to us as a military family. We have no family near us, so to have found people like them is a literally a "God-send". Have a blessed weekend!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

He still has it worse, today was one of those horrible, rotten, no-good days.  It started that way and ended that way with hardly anything in between.  The kids were just awful.  They were disobedient, mischievous, mean, etc.  So...what did the day end like?  We ate dinner outside because I didn't want to clean up any more messes and they were given baths at 630pm. At 730pm they were out cold.  On these types of days when my husband is deployed and I think I have it way worse than he does....I have to think again.  I still get to go to sleep in my own bed and I get to use a real bathroom.  I can sit outside in the wonderful southern CA weather and enjoy the sunset.  I can wear whatever I want and I can eat whatever I want.  I can still enjoy all these things and more on my worst days.  He can not.  So....I leave you with a request.  Take a moment to enjoy your freedoms...especially on your bad days and please remember to pray often for what these men and women are giving up so that we can have an abundant life.  I also leave you with what I call my "Top Gun" photo of my husband and a photo of my daughter learning to read.  My main reason for the picture of my daughter is to remind me that there are highlights of a week even if there are bad days throughout it. :) 

Friday, June 12, 2009


Wow...2 posts in a week....this might be a new record....or rather a new beginning.  :)  So, my husband has been deployed now for close to 6 months and in a short time (sometime in July) we will be reunited in Hawaii!!!  Yes, Hawaii....aghhhhh the epitome of tropical paradise....right?  I'm just guessing because I've never actually been there!!  My first time in Hawaii will be with my husband of almost 6 years and WITHOUT kids!!!'s almost too exciting to think about.  It has been consuming my every thought.  We try to have a date night every month when he's here, but this will be 4 nights in a row without children and post-deployment.  I don't think I've been this giddy since high school about an upcoming event. honor of my fast approaching trip and my endless thoughts of walking on amazing beaches and just being with my man I am going to have a progressive sale in my Etsy shop.  Starting tonight, Friday, June 12th and continuing with each Friday until I leave on my trip, I will be discounting my entire shop by 10%.  This will be like an exciting count down for me and hopefully fun for my customers as well.  Whatever I add to my shop between now and then will be included in the sale at whatever the current discount is.  Don't worry...I will let you know when it's the final week.  All prices will return to normal after I return from my trip!  Oh yeah...don't forget my shop name is Becaruns.  

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Ok...since my last post, my husband left for deployment, my step daughter has been gone from our house longer than I've ever experienced before, I've started to home school my daughter, I've planted my first flowers in the garden, and I've finally opened my Etsy shop!  Whew!  Where has the time gone??  Oh yeah...and I turned 31 yesterday!!!  Yikes!!  For some reason 31 really seems to emphasize that I'm in my 30's now.  I can't say I like it yet, but every woman in their 30's say it's way better than their 40's.  I'm waiting for that.  :) husband is now almost home...yay!!!  I'm going to meet him in Hawaii and spend a few days alone before flying back together.  We haven't spent a single night alone since before my 4 yr old daughter was born!!  Too long, huh?  Please give my Etsy shop a visit.  Shop name is Becaruns.  Yes...tacky, but if I had known I was going to open a shop when I registered with Etsy I would have picked a better name.  Oh, well.  I'm going to work on putting some new stuff in there.  I know my photos aren't great...working on that too. :) Well, here's to a fresh start on my blog and daily posts...I hope. :)  Thanks for stopping by!  Oh yeah...just a pic of my little ones first thing in the morning admiring their garden outside....and each other...sweet, huh?  They're not always like that with each other....keep in mind this was the very beginning of the day.